Friday 22nd January 2021
Year 3 Home Learning – Friday 22nd January
Well done for another week of amazing work! Have a lovely and relaxing weekend. Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:
Take a look at the spelling quiz on Purple Mash. Listen to the word carefully and use your spelling strategies to help you. Can you segment and blend each word?
Read Chapter 5 of the Max and the Pirates of Puddleton Bay on Purple Mash. I wonder how the story will end. Test your understanding of Chapter 5 by accessing the 2Do Quiz. What can you remember? Can you answer all three questions?
Watch the video to explain today’s learning on list poems. A list poem does exactly as it describes – the poem is made up of a long list of things! Yesterday you wrote a poem about the scrap yard and today we would like you to write one about the Iron Man. Can you add an onomatopoeia (sound words) or make your poem rhyme?
Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. Today we are continuing to focus on division. Yesterday we used the sharing method to share into equal groups. We drew large circles and shared towers of ten and little ones equally. Today we are continuing to share 2-digit numbers but with an exchange! Can you remember our learning in school for exchanging a tower of ten for ten little ones? Watch this video to help explain the learning.
Research some of the tasks carried out by robots. What tasks do you think robots could do in the future? What jobs would you like a robot to do in your house? Ask your parents – they’re sure to have some ideas! Watch this video to help you find out a little more information about robots.
You could either write a list of the jobs that robots do or design a poster with images and labels. We can’t wait to read your ideas!