Thursday 11th February 2021
Year 3 Home Learning – Thursday 11th February
Welcome to Thursday’s blog! Please message your teacher on Class Dojo if you need any advice, login details, or resources to help you with your home learning.
Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:
Practice spelling words containing the phonemes gl, gr, pl and pr. Use your blending and segmenting skills to sound out each word. This is set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.
Practice your phonics knowledge by using Phonics Hero has fun and interactive games that build reading and spelling skills gradually and teaches the 44 different sounds. If your login is not in your child’s contact book, please message your teacher for the login details!
Read Chapter 6 of The Switcher. It is the day of the talent show and Ben the dog amazes the audience with his tricks. Use your inference skills to test your understanding of the chapter by completing the Quiz on Purple Mash.
Today’s activity is another recap of this term’s spellings. These spellings have been quite tricky so well done for using your courage to complete them! Test your understanding of the different spellings that we have looked at over the last few weeks by completing the Y3 SPR1 WK6 D4 Quiz on Purple Mash.
Use to support today’s handwriting practice. Log on to your account with the Username: wk25530 and Password: home. This website has a range of fun and interactive games that support letter orientation and formation.
Today you are going to continue to practice writing verbs (doing words) in different forms. I wonder if you can remember the spelling strategy of verbs ending in ‘e’. Remember to drop the ‘e’ before adding ‘ed’ or ‘ing’. In your best handwriting, write a sentence for each of the different verbs on the Letter Join resource sheet.
Today we are continuing to read Until I Met Dudley by Roger McGough. Look at the page ‘I thought I knew how a vacuum cleaner worked’. The little girl imagines a hoover-snake gobbles up all the dust and crumbs on the floor! Today we would like you to imagine you are the hoover-snake! What did you eat today? What room did you clean? Write a diary entry of a day in the life of the hoover-snake. Watch the video to listen to the story and to read an example on how to write a diary entry.
Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.
Today we are continuing to read and interpret pictograms. Don’t forget to look closely at the key so you know how much each symbol represents. See if you can use mathematical language when you are explaining your answers for Reasoning and Problem Solving. Watch the video to help explain the learning in more detail.
Topic – Science
This term we have found out about different forces and magnets. You have taken part in a range of investigations such as cleaning pennies and testing friction. I wonder what your favourite topic lesson has been. What have you learnt over the last few weeks? Today you will be taking part in a science quiz to test your understanding of this term’s science learning.