Thursday 21st January 2021
Home Learning: Thursday 21st January 2021
Collective Worship:
Join our assembly this morning. On Tuesday we listened to the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Today’s assembly is about how charities are like the Samaritan in helping people throughout the world. How can you help your global neighbours? Lets look at the world through the eyes of compassion and love. So, go love your neighbour and be a world changer.
English: WALT – understand the use of expression
How do you think the character feels at points in the story? How do other characters feel about the events in the story? Today we are going to think about how the other snails feel about the snail wanting to travel. Watch our video here.
Phonics: Please spend some time on phonics hero Watch Lesson 46 - Year 1 - YouTube on the split diagraph “a-e”
RIC: – Please complete the attached RIC questions
Maths: WALT – Subtracting by counting back (crossing 10)
Today we are going to watch Spr1.3.5 - Subtraction counting back (crossing 10) on Vimeo We are going to be looking at how to subtract a number by counting back.
Topic: WALT – Observe objects, materials, living things and changes over time.
Put an item outside in the garden and compare how the shadow changes over time. Go outside and look at the items shadow what happens to it? Does it move? Get smaller? Get bigger?
Topic: WALT – Compare shadows made by different objects and materials.
Today we are looking at shadows. Have you ever seen your shadow? Your task today is to find objects around your house and see what shadows they create.