Thursday 7th January 2021
Here are your activities for today – Thursday 7th January 2021.
Phonics: Log on to Phonics Hero and complete the next activity.
See attached PDF – Phoneme story spotter. Highlight/write down the different spellings for the ee sound.
Guided Reading: Logon to Purple Mash. Read Chapter Four of ‘Anna’s Sports Day’ and complete the quiz.
English: Today we will be learning about nouns. Please see the PDF attached for your work.
Here is the link for the story:
Maths: Today you will be learning to multiply. Watch this video which will take you though some examples and then complete the worksheet. You can write out your answers you do not need to print out your sheet.
Topic - Art: Create giant artworks using soft balls dipped in paint. Explore what happens when the paint covered balls are dropped, bounced and rolled across a paper surface. Use artistic vocabulary to describe and evaluate your work and make suggestions for changes and improvements.
Take photographs of your work during the creative process write down some of your ideas and comments to display alongside the artwork. Make sure you remember to upload your work to Purple Mash or Class Dojo. Have look at these link and this link for ideas:
Topic - Art: Can you draw/paint an idea for an art installation or make an Art installation.
Look at these images of installation art below. Can you compare examples of installation art? What objects or materials have they been made out of? Which do you like and why?