
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Friday 22nd January 2021

Home Learning:  Friday 22nd January 2021


English:  WALT – develop an opinion

Watch the video. Do you think the snail should go or do you think she should stay. Think about the reasons why she might like to travel then think about the reasons to stay at home.


Phonics: Please spend some time on phonics hero www.phonicshero.com. Watch Lesson 47 - Year 1 - YouTube  on the split diagraph “i-e”


RIC: – Please complete the attached RIC questions


Maths:  WALT – Subtracting by counting back (crossing 10)

Today we are going to watch Spr1.4.1 -Subtraction crossing 10 (1) on Vimeo We are going to be looking at how to subtract a number by counting back.


Topic: Art   WALT – Create a simple collage

Create a collage of the seasons. Use materials found inside and outside to create an image of the seasons.


Topic: Music    WALT: Listen and respond to a range of high quality live and recorded music and songs.

Listen to some music by the composer Vivaldi  Four Seasons ~ Vivaldi - YouTube Respond to the music and talk with an adult about them.



