
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Thursday 25th February 2021

Thursday 25/02/21


Activity 9 - Phonics fun 2

Watch Mrs Oakenfull’s Phonics lesson on Alliteration. Complete Mrs Oakenfull’s challenges which are as follows:


1. Sing the hello song with your grown up and Mrs Oakenfull

2. Tony the Train’s busy day.

3. Can you join in with Oakenfull and say the name of the objects? Can you hear the first sound? They all start with the same sound.

4. Sing the goodbye song with your grown up and Mrs Oakenfull Watch this alliteration video




1. Watch this video of Peter Piper

2. Or make a video for us to see of you making up your own short alliteration rhyme


Activity 10 - The giant’s feet

I wonder how big the giant’s feet are? Can you measure around a foot of each member of your family and then either cubes (or similar) or a tape measure to find out whose is the largest and smallest foot?
