Thursday 4th March 2021
Home Learning 4th March 2021
Session 1 - Phonics Today Mrs Holmes recaps all phase 3 phonemes learned so far. Help her to segment and blend to read and record short phrases. Don’t forget to add the sound buttons.
Session 2 – English Watch the video of Mrs Holmes reading the whole story. Talk to your grown up about parts of the story you liked? Which parts didn’t you like and why? Think about Charlie. Has he been a nice brother? Why was he a nice brother? What did he do that was nice? Write a sentence about how Charlie was nice.
Session 3 - Maths - Making 10 Watch the video of Mrs Leigh making 10. Which 2 numbers can we put together to make 10?
Activity Have a look at the 10s frames – how many more counters would you need to fill all the spaces on the number frame?
Challenge Write a number sentence to show the different ways you have made 10.
Session 4 - RE Our new topic this term is Salvation – Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden? Learning Question: Why are Christians given palm crosses?
Watch the video of Mrs Holmes sharing the story of Palm Sunday. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and crowds came to see him. They waved palm leaves, cheered and shouted ‘Hosanna’. Hosanna means ‘save us’, the people wanted Jesus to save them.
Jesus later died on a cross to save us all. Christians have palm crosses at this time to remember the happy time of Jesus in Jerusalem and waving the palm leaves in excitement. The palm cross made from the palm leaf reminds Christians of the happy time but also that Jesus died on a cross.
Activity: Cut out a palm leaf from green paper to wave for Jesus. Make a cross from paper too. Can you retell the story so far? Click on the link and join in with the song.
Session 5 - Letter Formation Please logon to letter-join at
Username:wk25530 Password:home
Click on your child’s class, either Butterfly or Pebble. Click the blue easy words and practise ‘ham’, ‘mend’, ‘hand’, ‘them’. Use this to watch and practise the correct cursive formations.
Extra Fun Join in with today’s Dough Disco. Watch Dough Disco Nursery Rhyme- The Muffin Man and join in! Click on the link:
Dough Disco Nursery Rhyme - The Muffin Man - YouTube
Story time Today’s story is read by Mrs Fox |