
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Friday 29th January 2021

Year 3 Home Learning – Friday 29th January


Well done for all the fantastic work completed this week. We have loved viewing your pictures on your portfolios! Have an enjoyable and relaxing weekend.


Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:



Take a look at the spelling quiz on Purple Mash. Listen to the word carefully and use your spelling strategies to help you. Can you segment and blend each word?



Read Chapter 7 of Alien Hotel. After a mad clean up, it's time Mr Blazz was stopped. And Sally has a genius idea that might just solve everything! Complete the quiz for Chapter 7 to test your understanding. This is also set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.



Use www.letterjoin.co.uk to support today’s handwriting practice. Log on to your account with the Username: wk25530 and Password: home. Today you are going to practice writing verbs (doing words) in different forms. For example, walk, walked, walks, walking. In your best handwriting, write a sentence for each of the different verbs on the Letter Join worksheet. Log on to your account for more detail or to have fun playing letter formation games.



Listen to the video to find out about today’s learning. Make sure you have read the final chapter: Chapter 5: The Iron Man’s challenge by listening to the audio or written version. Imagine you are a journalist, and you have the opportunity to interview the Iron Man on his encounter with the Space-Being. Yesterday you wrote questions that you would like to ask the Iron Man, and today we would like you to respond to them by writing a conversation. This gives you the opportunity to practice using inverted commas (speech marks). Use this website to help you practice first. 


Write a conversation between you, the journalist, and the Iron Man. Start with a question and respond with an answer. Can you use the correct punctuation?



Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.  Today we are continuing our learning on money. Yesterday you practiced counting pence and today we would like you to practice counting in pounds. Can you count in steps of 1s, 5s, 10s or 20s? Use this video to help you with your understanding. https://vimeo.com/497344241



Design a fridge magnet, either as a gift for someone or to commemorate a special event. Think carefully about the size, shape, and colour. What different materials will you use? What will you use your magnet for? Draw your design of the fridge magnet and label your ideas.


If you would like to create your own fridge magnet or would like some more ideas, take a look at this website.
