Tuesday 19th January 2021
Year 3 Home Learning – Tuesday 19th January
Welcome to Tuesday’s home learning!
Please let your teachers know if you need any resources or support with this week’s learning. They are available to talk live between 10.00 – 10.30am and 14.00 – 14.00pm on Class Dojo.
Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:
Practice using conjunctions by accessing the Rainy Day as a 2Do on Purple Mash. Conjunctions are joining words that join parts of a sentence together (because, and, so but, etc.). Explore this website to find out more.
Read Chapter 2 of the Max and the Pirates of Puddleton Bay on Purple Mash. The harbour is full of plastic bottles and Max’s Dads café has lost its roof. How are they going to clear up the harbour before the tide comes back in? Test your understanding of Chapter 2 by accessing the 2Do Quiz.
Look back at yesterday’s learning and the adjectives you used to describe Hogarth’s feelings. How does Hogarth feel about trapping the Iron Man? Why is he feeling guilty and emotional about his decision?
Today we would like you to write a diary entry. In the role as Hogarth, describe the night he trapped the Iron Man. Use your senses to help you – what did he see? How does he feel about it? Don’t forget to use the features of a diary entry! Use these prompts to help you:
- Date and introduction
- Start with Dear Diary
- Write in the past tense
- Write in first person (I, me, my)
- Explain your thoughts and feelings
Iron Man book – read from “DANGER: KEEP OFF”, to warn people away, and they left it at that
Iron Man Audio – (10.42 until the end)
Begin by working out the four challenges in the maths starter. Don’t forget to show your working out! Then move on to Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.
Can you remember our learning on column method? Today we will use the same method to solve multiplication! Watch this video for more information and to take you through the learning step by step.
You can practice your multiplication skills by logging on to Times Tables Rockstars. If you have forgotten your login, just send us a message!
Today we will continue our learning on forces. What forces have we learnt about so far? Look at the resources below to explore new forces such as buoyancy, water resistance and friction.
We would like you to draw a picture of a force in action!
Label the force being used and draw an arrow that describes its direction. For example, draw a picture of an apple falling from a tree, label ‘gravity’ and draw an arrow pointing down (direction of the apple falling). Use the images from the resource to help you!