Monday 1st February 2021
Here are your activities for today – Monday 1st February 2021.
Phonics: Logon to Phonics hero and complete the next activity. Today we will look at the meaning of plurals. One cup/two cups, one hat/two hats. Look at the PDF. Practise changing these words from singular to plural – dog, crisp, phone, cat. Write sentences using these words.
Handwriting: Login to Letter-join Revisit the letters a, c, o, f, e, s and g using Letter-join animations on the website. Check you are holding your pencil correctly – Click on warm-up exercises Tripod pencil grip to check. The attached PDF displays todays letters.
GPS: Look at the PDF on Homophones and near Homophones. Our spelling words this week are – clothes, parents, know, dishes, church
Guided Reading: Logon to Purple Mash and read Chapter one of ‘I wish I was a fish’ Complete the missing words activity set as a 2do.
English: WALT: respond to a perform poetry. Watch the video for your lesson. Link to Michel Rosen’s performance of his poem. ‘The Rhythm of Life’
Maths: Today you will be making tally charts. Watch this video which will take you through the activity for today. Remember to attempt the Flashback questions first. Watch this video:
PE: Please complete the fifth KS1 Lesson Gymnastics from Team Theme. You can find this here:
RE: Our Big Question for Term 3 is - What is the good news that Jesus brings?
Our learning question for this week is – What might Christians pray?
Please see the attached document for the activity.