
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Friday 8th January 2021

Session 1 - Phonics - Practice makes Perfect!


Use the phase 2 phoneme cards we sent home in term 2 or write these sounds onto small squares of paper: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, l, ll, f, ff, ss  and phase 3 j, v, w, x, y, z and zz. Now add digraph qu.


Watch the video on Tapestry and join in with all the phonemes.  Let’s segment and blend some more cvc words.


Session 2 – English


Watch the video clip of Miss Chamberlain reading the rest of Owl Babies. Mother Owl has returned! How do you think the owl babies are feeling now? Is it different to how they felt at the beginning of the story?


Activity: Discuss with an adult how the owl babies are feeling at the end of the story. Now find your favourite part of the story and tell us why it is your favourite part. Video your child and upload it to Tapestry.


Session 3 -  Maths - Today/Tomorrow/Yesterday


What day is it today? What are we doing today? What day is it tomorrow? What did you do yesterday? Grown ups- write out the days of the week as word cards.


Activity  Can you find today’s day? Can you put yesterday’s day first. Can you put tomorrow’s day last? Can you draw and label a picture of what you did yesterday, today and what you are going to do tomorrow?


Session 4- PSHE

Challenge – use the attached powerpoint

Think about things that you do daily that you find hard. Why are they hard? How does it make you feel? What can you do to help you with these challenges?


Extra fun!


Golden Time! - Play your favourite game or take part in your favourite activity!

We cannot wait to see what you choose!


Letter Formation - Practice forming the letters l, i, t, r, n, m and h. Remember every lowercase letter starts at the bottom.  Mrs Holmes has to say how she forms each letter out loud and she has to really concentrate when practising cursive letter formations.


Story time


Today’s story is Guess How Much I Love You by read by Mrs Holmes.
