
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Wednesday 20th January 2021

Year 4  Daily Activities            Week 3     Wednesday 20th January


Today’s Activities

Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths, P.E. and P.H.S.E. .



We will be continuing to practise when we should use it's or its. Please read through 200121.year4.GPS3 to remind yourselves about the rules for using it's or its and then complete the quiz, using 200121.year4.GPS3Poster ​to help decide the correct answer. Please take a picture or screen shot of the results and upload to your portfolio or message your teacher on Class Dojo.


Reading Activity

Purple Mash 2Do Activity. Read Chapter 3 of Time Freeze and complete the Chapter 3 quiz.


Writing Activity 

For the rest of the week you will be writing a newspaper report about the wolf’s attack on Arthur’s town. Today you will identify features of a newspaper report and then begin to write it, using the Powerpoint video. You can choose to use the Viking Newspaper Template or make your own on paper (lined is best) or in your learning book.                                                                                                                                                                                 



Today’s lesson is all again about dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. Watch this https://vimeo.com/497936690 which explains how to do this a bit more and then have a go at the maths activity sheet below.  Complete as many questions as you can, but please don’t worry if there are ones you are not sure of.


Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)



Hit-Safari Adventure by Team Theme. Click on the link.🦒🏃Safari HIIT Workout🏃‍♀️🦒 - YouTube



Last week you looked at hopes and dreams that do not come true. This week looks at how to overcome and cope with the disappointment of this. Begin today’s lesson by looking at the PHSE Input and then completing the PHSE Activity.

                                                                                                                                                   Have a great home learning  Wednesday.


Miss Goodchild,  Mrs Goldup,  Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt
