
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Wednesday 6th January 2021

Year 3 Home Learning – Wednesday 6th January


A big well done for all the fabulous home learning so far! Don’t forget to upload your work to Class Dojo portfolio. You can sign up here! https://www.eastchurch.kent.sch.uk/home-learning/


Here is an outline of the work we would like you to complete today:



For today’s grammar lesson, we would like you to practice using inverted commas. Watch the video to help refresh your understanding and then complete the ‘Mark wants Chicken’ 2Do on Purple Mash.



Read Chapter 3 of Poppa Joe and the Red Racer and answer the comprehension questions. Can you use your RIC reading skills? This is also set as a 2Do on Purple Mash.


English – Lesson 3

We hope you are enjoying the book so far! What have you found out already about the Iron Man? Today we would like you to draw an outline picture of the Iron Man and annotate it with the information you have found out so far. In the middle of your drawing write down words that tell us what kind of character he is, what he looks like and any of his actions. Around the outside of your drawing write questions on what you would like to ask/find out about the Iron Man.


Iron Man book 


Iron Man Audio Chapter 1



Begin with the Flashback starter and answer the four challenges. Use your knowledge of the column method to help you! Today we are continuing practicing counting in multiples of 3. Use repeated addition or arrays to help you with your working out:




Repeated addition


4 x 3 =

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 =

Four lots of 3

4 groups of 3

Move onto the White Rose sheet, work through Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning and show your working out - see resources below.



Join Jaime for another special yoga adventure all about learning to wash our hands properly. You can join in with the relaxing Cosmic Yoga session here.




Today’s PSHE lesson focuses on dreams, goals, and the challenges we face. Begin by looking at the set of picture cards in the resource sheet below. Which person do you think is facing the biggest challenge? There are many different types of challenges we face, what is challenging to one person is ‘normal’ to another.


Choose one of the picture cards and write the back story to it. Can you describe the challenges they may be facing? How do they achieve success and/or manage the challenges?
