Monday 11th January 2021
Home learning – Monday 11th January
SPAG Practise spellings:
Week 2 – 1. drought, 2. sought, 3. rough, 4. although, 5. brought, 6. ought, 7. bought, 8. thought, 9. furlough, 10. roughage.
Choose words form the list to practise in different styles e.g. Pyramid words, Trace, copy and replicate, Look, say, cover, write, check, Drawing around the word to show the shape, Drawing an image around the word, Words without vowels.
Read Chapter 6 of The Haunting of Rose cottage and the answer the multiple choice questions. Have a go at the ‘Challenge questions’ – see resources below.
★ Read the extract from The Snow-Walker's Son by Catherine Fisher. You can listen to the extract here:
Look at the attached document below, read the text and use your RIC skills to respond to the linked questions.
Today, you are going to be dividing decimals by integers. Click here to access the White Rose video. A PowerPoint version has also been attached below. Complete the fluency, reasoning and problem solving – see resources below.
Visit Joe Wicks’ on You tube for his Monday PE session.
Try some Cosmic Yoga - Hot Air Balloonin'! | Yoga Disco - Cosmic Kids
What did Jesus teach his followers about how they should live? Think about the big question: WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? Follow the questions (see resources below) to help you gather your thoughts. We started to look at this question last term and will spend the first few weeks of this term recapping some of the ideas we have discussed.