
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Wednesday 03/02/21


Activity 6 - Bears

Watch the video on bears.



  1. Can you draw a bear?
  2. Can you make a bear from play dough?
  3. What facts can you tell you family about bears?
  4. Have you got a favourite teddy bear upload a photo of them?


Activity 7 -

Goldilocks isn’t a particularly kind character, and as you know kindness is one of our Christian values.  We at Little owls always like to show kindness, maybe we could show some to Goldilocks. 



Could we make a gift for Goldilocks, I have a few ideas which I will pop below but it could be anything! We could make a…..cake, pasta bracelet using pasta and string, a kindness card, or kindness picture


Activity 8 -

Watch the Three bears on https://www.busythings.co.uk. You find these by going to the Literacy, communication and language, then traditional tales and select The three bears.




  1. Stories have a beginning, middle and an end, can you use the pictures attached to this post to sequence the story. 
  2. Complete the pencil control sheets attached to this post.
  3. Complete the counting activity attached to this post.
  4. Can you act out the story with your toy teddy bears.
  5. Complete any of the bear activities below: