Thursday 28th January 2021
Year 4 Daily Activities Week 4 Thursday 28th January
Today’s Activities
Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths and Science in the afternoon.
This is our final lesson on apostrophes for now. We will be thinking about when we do NOT need to use an apostrophe (just because a word ends with an s, doesn't mean that it needs an apostrophe!). Look at Thursday GPS Activity to remind yourselves of the times when we do need an apostrophe and then have a go at the tasks. Remember, we only need to use an apostrophe if we are showing that something belongs to someone or if two words have been shortened to make one word. Words such as knows, toes and throws don't need an apostrophe... that is just the way they are spelt...
On Tuesday, you were introduced to a new handwriting programme called Letterjoin. Your parents will have found a letter on the school website introducing our new spelling format, Letter Join, and your login details.
Today you will be continuing to practice the letters b, p and k. You can use a tablet or a computer, and you are very welcome to explore this website a bit more to see what else you can do! Parents use the Y4 Letterjoin for login detail if you haven’t accessed it this week.
Reading Activity
Purple Mash 2Do Read Chapter 2 of ‘The Last Selkie’ and then answer Chp.2 Quiz questions
Writing Activity
Today you will be using the plans that you wrote yesterday to write the opening and build up paragraphs of your own chapter about Arthur’s journey across the monster infested sea to the Norse World. Watch the step by step Video which goes through what to do and provides modelled examples. Remember to use the plan that you wrote yesterday! A Sea and Sea Monster Word Bank has also been provided to help with your vocabulary choices and make your descriptions more interesting.
Today’s lesson is all again about comparing area. Watch this which explains how to do this a bit more and then have a go at the Thursday Maths Activity below. Complete as many questions as you can, but please don’t worry if there are ones you are not sure of. Square paper has also been provided if you need it.
Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (
Topic (Science)
In Science today you will be learning how sounds enter the ear through sound waves by watching this video. You will then predict and investigate how to amplify these sounds and will need a couple of pieces of paper. A few sheets of scrap A4 will be fine although a little larger would be helpful too, if you have it. This paper can be any colour – a sheet of old newspaper or something unimportant from your recycling box at home will be perfect. Science Input L4
Have a great home learning Thursday.
Miss Goodchild, Mrs Goldup, Mrs Sands and Miss Pettitt