
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Tuesday 12th January 2021

Home Learning 11th January 2021


Snowflake designs - you can either make your fake snow by mixing 2 parts shaving cream to 1 part cornstarch or just plain flour (whatever you have in the cupboard) sprinkled on a plate or tray.


After, why not try and copy the designs of the snowflakes? Can you follow the lines of the snowflakes carefully? Can you make a design of your own? We would love to see your creations on Tapestry!


Letter writing - you can either make your fake snow by mixing 2 parts shaving cream to 1 part cornstarch or just plain flour (whatever you have in the cupboard) sprinkled on a plate or tray.


Watch Mrs Oakenfull’s video of the letter formation and then: ask your child to ‘write’, using a finger, stick, top of pen etc, the letters they are familiar with. Once they have practised their familiar sounds try: s, a, t, p. We look forward to seeing your letter formations on Tapestry!
