
Eastchurch CofE Primary School

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4.13

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Monday 8th February 2021

Home learning Monday 8th February 2021

Welcome to week 6 and our last week on our current topic ‘Splendid Skies’. We hope you have all had a lovely weekend.


EnglishToday we are starting to think about explanation texts. We would like you to write some facts about whale and then draw and write an explanation to go with the food chain for a sea snail or a whale. Here is the link to Andy’s Safari Adventure where he is looking for the Humpback whale. Here is the link for the orca video. There is no worksheet today, so put your information somewhere safe for later this week.


RIC: – Please complete the attached RIC questions


Reading:   Log in to Collins e-books and read on of the selected book. Try and have a go at the activity section.


Handwriting:    Please log in to Letter-join and work on the one-armed robot letters p and r


Phonics: Please spend some time on phonics hero www.phonicshero.com. Watch Lesson 58 - Year 1 - YouTube where we recap ou, ow, oi, oy, ur, ir.


Maths – Today we are going to be comparing objects within 50. Watch Spr1.6.3 - Compare objects to 50 on Vimeo listen to the instructions and then do the worksheet linked to today’s learning.


RE – Is the good news Jesus brings just for Christians?

Today we are thinking about everything we have looked at this whole term. We are going to write some prayers about the good news and write our final answer for our big questions this term ‘What is the Good News Jesus brings? Here is the link for the praise to the Lord video



See if you can keep up with Joe Wicks on his workout today The Body Coach TV - YouTube  What was your favourite exercise? Which exercise did you find the hardest? Which one was the easiest to do?
