Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Year 4 Daily Activities Week 1 Tuesday 23rd February
Today’s Activities
Today begins with English activities, followed by Maths and finally Topic, which this term is Geography.
We are going to practise spelling the words that we found yesterday. Complete the spelling quiz on Purple Mash (Y4 Spelling Quiz 2202), remembering that the /u/ sound you can hear in the words, is spelt with 'ou' instead. Good luck!
Our handwriting session today will be focusing on some more words from the Year 3/4 word list. Read through the words on page 3 (you will need to scroll down to page 3, we have completed pages 1-2) of 230221.year4.handwriting1 PAGE 3 ONLY and check that you understand their meaning. If there are any that you are unsure of, please look for their definitions in a dictionary or by using an online dictionary. Practise writing each word, by first tracing and then copying. Please then complete the challenge, which is to write a paragraph, using as many of the words as possible. We wonder who will be able to include all of the words? Don't forget, you can also log on to Letter-join. Cursive handwriting resource for school and home. and practise particular letters or words if you wish to.
Reading Activity
Today you will be reading an extract of a fiction book called, ‘The Man who bought a mountain’. You have the option of doing the Main Reading Activity or if you want a bit of a challenge try the Challenge Reading Activity. As with yesterday’s reading activity, please DO NOT WRITE on the question sheet as it has been reduced in size and is not large enough for you to answer the questions. Please record your answers on paper or in your home learning books.
Writing Activity
Today you will responding, in writing, to various illustrations from our class story. You can look at the illustrations on the video lesson or print them off. You will also need to record your observations on the L2 Activity Sheet or in your learning books at home. Tuesday Video PPt Writing Lesson 2 L2 Resource Sheet Illustrations L2 Activity Sheet
This week we will be carrying on with learning about fractions. Today we are learning to count in fractions. Watch this video https://vimeo.com/506082065 to help you before completing the worksheet that is below. Remember, we always expect you to try your hardest but if there are question that are too difficult then please do not stress about them! We will always be proud that you gave it a go. Tuesday Maths Activity Tuesday Maths Answers
Don’t forget your daily 5-10 minutes of times tables practice, using either Purple Mash (Monster Multiplication 2Do), Times Tables Rockstar or Top Marks Hit the Button Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practice for 5-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
Topic (Geography)
Welcome to our new topic 'River', where we will be exploring the characteristics and features of rivers and mountain ranges around the world. Please have a quick look at the knowledge organiser (230221.year4.knowledgeorganiser), to give you some background information on our topic.
Today, you will be introduced to the topic by watching the video. Once you have watched the video once, watch it again, but this time highlight words on your rivers word mat (230221.year4.topic1wordmat) as you hear them. Your task is to then match the highlighted words on your word mat to the correct definition (230221.year4.topic1definitions). You can check your answers by using 230221.year4.topic1ANSWERS.
Have a great home learning Tuesday.
Miss Goodchild, Mrs Goldup, Mrs Sands and Miss Dean