Wednesday 6th January 2021
Wednesday 6th January
Good Morning Fox and Octopus!
Hope you are finding the learning ok?
Today’s lessons will be English with GPS task and reading, Maths, PE and PSHE from Jigsaw.
English – we will be carrying on with our book ‘The Viewer’ looking at images, and turning phrases into poetry. GPS focus will be commas (see commas worksheet- you can choose tricky, trickier or trickiest level) and reading will be to continue with the serial mash 2dos on purple mash.
Maths will be multiplication. To warm up can you and someone at home say out loud the times table for 5/6/7 between each other each person saying what comes next eg: I would say 5 then you would say 10 then I would say 15 and you would say 20 and so on and so forth. See link below for top marks here where you can also practice these on your division. A video to help you with the main work can be found here.
PE - Today we will be continuing our fitness challenges. Complete each activity three times and record your highest score. Don’t forget to message your teacher on Class DOJO with your scores. Click on each activity to go to the right video.
PSHE – is looking at Dreams and Goals which id the next section of our Jigsaw scheme. It is looking at whether we need money in order to achieve our dreams and goals and whether there are dreams and goals we have that do not require money.
Have a good day guys, don’t forget to take a brain break! We look forward to seeing more of your uploads.